Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

I Did It ! :)

You have almost completed this semester, so, how do you view Critical Literacy now? If you have any comments and suggestions, please do so as it helps for the betterment of the course as a whole.

Now, as we already reach in week 12, our syllabus for this subject also almost come to the end. I might be happy when I think about this moment, however learning Critical Literacy is not a nightmare tho. Honestly, The road of completing this subject is really challenging. It makes me burnt the midnight oil to do a lot of research again and again. I think it is not only me but the whole DEC Semester 4's student, can't get enough of sleep in order to make sure we did the tasks completely even not to its fullest. However, something miracle about this subject is that, it is not only will opened your eyes widely, but the way you judge or evaluate something happened around you will also change 360 degree.

Critical Literacy is the effort to understand the minds of others, and learning about others’ thoughts is something very interesting. I think the word ‘like’ does not quite capture my feeling anymore. I love learning about people’s thoughts.The funny thing is there are requirements which I have to fulfil, which is thinking again and again, and yes, I have made it babe !

I want to close with this small note; be brave and encourage enough to face something new. Stop torturing yourself with all bad things that you heard. If you want try something, then try with your best. If you do not get it, be grateful that you tried and look at what you already learn then appreciate it. In the end, God knows best. 

Furthermore, I want to take this chances to say lots of thank you to the best and open-minded lecturer ever, Madam Zariati for teaching me this subject. You have opened my eyes to see the world around me differently. And it is the thing that make me being more matured in term of evaluating the things happened.

As for my juniors , the thing that I can suggest is that make sure you manage your time very well. Follow the instructions given to you and do not worry about the whole thing. You cannot swallow a whole chicken. Take it one bite at a time. It is awesome that you will take Critical Literacy, trust me. There is so much that you can learn inside the classes and outside of them. Do not underestimate yourself just because you do not get the chance to manage the subject. Goodluck ;)

Lots of love,

Ahad, 9 Oktober 2016

Life Is Showcase !

"Life is a mere illusion and just like the world is a stage as we use it as stepping stone for a showcase of our talent"

 Life sometimes can be hard and sometimes it can be easy for people to go through and live in. Sometimes we don't know what we want in our life and what is our  journey that we have to face and go through in future. In this world, people show their talent and creativeness in order to live their life . World is like a stepping stone for a showcase of our talents. We always think that a life like a dream. Certain things what we wanted we achieved, we succeed to get it but certain are not. 

The life that we been living in is nothing but as an illusion where we couldn't achieved what we wanted in life and we have to tell ourselves lies every single day just to make through the day unless we do something is despicable to achieved our dream. Whereas not every dream that we dream during our childhood is likely able to achieved as when we were young we don't know much about the reality of the world since the only thing we can see when we were a child everything is wonderful and if we put our back into what we were doing we will surely achieved that and yet what we don't know is that maybe we are not the one holding ourselves back but it was our surrounding, the people we know, the culture in that we live in for a while now. Quoted Albert Einstein, "reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one".

Furthermore, I believe we need to struggle to survive through every single day as what we are doing is not what truly wanted to do. Which is why what need to realize is that what we are today is because of the decision that we made yesterday and if the result of our decision making keep give out same result it means that we need to take other option when we were in our decision making process. The society themselves also tend to not show their true selves. If we look at the way of their life and their lifestyle doesn't match at all. The society have the tendency of not showing who they really are because not every physical appearance can reflect on what type of a person in the society. According to Ferguson Ross, "We identify people by their features, possessions, status, career, and social associations – but these are merely the people, props, and plotlines of our lives, they are not what’s important; what’s important is our being.  What’s important is who we are on the inside."

Whatever the thing is, we should always set our goal, keep dreaming because it is the one who make us now ;)

Lots of love,